Utawarerumono Status Thread

I figure I can keep this one updated and stop having to make a bunch of new posts.

Translation: 100%
Proofing: 100%
Editing Pics: 100%
Installer: Vista Testing Remains
Font tweaking remains
Making sure the game just doesn’t crash all the time remains (but this is mostly all done)

8 Nov
It’s hard to update percentages on pics since I’m not the one doing them. However, the image editors we brought on board work pretty quickly and I’m pleased with what I’ve seen so far! So don’t worry, progress IS being made and made well.

12 Nov
Edit status only what I’ve confirmed as working in the game (could be higher).

29 Nov
All we need now is an installer and we’re set. Probably not going to have a beta stage…

07 Jan 08
Added some updates to installer status.

Utawarerumono Update: 92.04%

I have been really busy with real life, but progress on story/battle translation is 86.8%. While it certainly doesn’t garner as much press as UBW, look forward to this one too! (I really like it, even if I AM biased)

For me, Eruruw will always win Saimoe!

Edited: Progress is now 92.04% on story/battle translation.

UBW update: Oct 2007

I just wanted to keep a log of this since I want all the editor applicants to read this if they haven’t yet. I also want to explain how we will be tackling UBW.


A lot has gone on in the past week regarding the project. After going over the editor applications and a lot of talking between the staffs, we have decided that asking for outside editors is not a way to go. I am very sorry for wasting everyone’s effort and time to apply. I cannot apologize enough.

To update people on what we are doing, we have decided that we would have rigorous testing after an initial light-editing phase.


So our current plan is:
EDITED: Nov 12th

1. I edit the current text. (This is complete)
2. Tester (proofers) go through and recommend changes. I will look over the recommendations and make changes if I see the recommendations valid. (We are here right now)
3. Insert final version of text (This should take like an hour since it’s automated)
4. Beta testing: testing installer (I say this could take couple days to around a week, depending on if bugs appear or not)
5. Release!

Eroge playing diary+alpha

Finished Utawarerumono. It was a good story. Everyone should be looking forward to the translation coming out for it done by Ryuusoul!!
It has so much MOEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also finished Wanko to Lily, and now onto Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no. (6 hours per girl, finished 2 out of 6 girls)

Oh, the translation of Tsukihime plus disc is finished by the way.

Utawarerumono: 45.72%

Not sure how many people read these blog things…

Translation of the Story/Battle Mode is at 45.72%. Translation is going a little slower than I originally thought because I am a lot busier in real life. That being said, it’s still a breeze compared to Nasu…

Another Japan Trip

This will be short since I’m busy playing games (and will be for a while).

I went to Japan the past two weeks. Food, games, and shopping ^^
Went to Akiba, Oosu (Akiba equivalent in Nagoya), etc, etc.
Sorry, no news on UBW translation progress.

Manga/doujin I got
Games I got

I got tons of games which I need to play now ^^
It should take me a few months to finish all these…

Unlimited Blade Works Route Translation at 50%

Like the title says. It’ll still need a lot of polishing, but half of the route is translated now. Day 14 is going to be a bi*ch because it’s about a megabyte of text with 100kb of H –;
I’ve been getting a lot done recently since there’s no net connection in my place now.

That’s the good news, and now onto the bad news.
Expect a long time with no work since I’m going to Japan at the end of this month (for a week). I’m hoping I can at least buy half of the eroges I want to get. Playing them would kill at least a month!!

Anyone know of a good eroge I should buy in Japan?

Here’s the current list of eroge I want to buy in Japan this trip.
Here is the games I’ve already played.

それは舞い散る桜のように (BasiL)
Lien ~終わらない君の唄~ (PURPLE)
いちょうの舞う頃 (Types)
Treating2U (BLUE GALE)
秋桜の空に (Marron)
大悪司 (Alicesoft)
もしも明日が晴れならば (ぱれっと)
らくえん~あいかわらずなぼく。の場合~ (TerraLunar)
つくとり (ruf)
フォセット -Cafe au Le Ciel Bleu-(GIGA)
ショコラ ~maid cafe “curio”~ (GIGA)
この青空に約束を (GIGA)
遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの (PULLTOP)
群青の空を越えて (light)
StarTRain (mixed up)
うたわれるもの (leaf)
EVE burst error
Bullet Butlers (propeller)
車輪の国、悠久の少年少女 (あかべぇそふとつぅ)
幻燐の姫将軍2 ~導かれし魂の系譜~ (エウシュリー)
僕はキミだけを見つめる~I gaze at only you (れいんどっぐ(同人))
永遠のアセリア-The Spirit of Eternity Sword- (XUSE)

勝 あしたの雪之丞2 (+1) (elf)
しすたぁエンジェル (TerraLunar)
鈴がうたう日 (Tactics)
真瑠璃色の雪 (アイル)
カタハネ (Tarte)
遊撃警艦パトベセル ~こちら首都圏上空青空署~ (May-Be Soft)
ヒトカタノオウ ヲルノモリ (Artel Team Prefab)

About the Fate/stay night release

A lot has gone on since the first release of the FSN patch.
I would just like to apologize for the big mistake and a lot of the confusion.

First of all, I am very sorry. The spoiler mistake should have been caught before anything. I understand people who knew about the spoiler still wanted the patch nonetheless (when it was retracted). I thought that spoiling the people who didn’t know was much more serious than people getting the patch a day or two early.
But with all that aside, the problem wouldn’t have occurred if
I caught the mistake beforehand.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused anybody.

F/sn progress

Okay, onto the serious stuff. The F/sn translation has been progressing smoothly. With the help of Danj and sebasdoes, the current script is getting most of the typos and grammar mistakes ironed out of it. All the graphics for the Saber route have been edited, but puKKa and TakaJun found some errors which need to be fixed, no biggie. Once the script has been fixed up, I’ll incorporate it into the latest beta patch build (for beta testers only). There are still a few issues that need addressing though, such as the chapter titles and choices word wrapping problem, and crashing errors that occur after word wrapping the script (this can be fixed in one day). So we’re getting closer, but there is still much work to be done. ^^

Sakura-con Report

So I went to Sakura-con last weekend. (happening in Seattle WA for those of you who don’t know)
This will most likely be a boring topic since I’m just gonna write what I did.

Anyways, it all started the day before the con. My biggest mistake was to accept a job as an exhibitor at the con. I thought it was going to be cool since I would get in free and get paid for being there. The (BIG) downside was that I missed pretty much all the cool panels/concerts happening at that time and I missed going around the exhibitor’s hall since I was working the whole time it was open…

Friday: Parking sucked, as I looked for a spot for 30 minutes and finally found one about 20 minutes walk away. –; So I got there right as my work started. So I didn’t get to do anything until my work was over, which was 6PM. Afterwards, I met up with Shinji, Misu, and Mouse, and this is when I found out I missed out from the exhibitor’s hall as they got things that were already sold out. I bowed to go early the next day to raid what was left from the hendane booth.
The program also said that there will be Beatmania for 2 hours (This was what I was really looking forward to) in the arcade room. Before I go into this, let me describe what was in the Arcade hall this year. One Classic games collection, one old fighting game (vampire savior?), and that’s all. YES, THAT IS ALL. Anyways, I found out beatmania got cancelled, so I went home pissed off…

Sat: Work yet again. But today, I went a bit early so I could look around the booth as they were setting up. I went straight for Hendane (eroge booth). To be honest, I was disappointed with the small selection. I was ready to buy lots of eroges too… Well, so I was pretty much forced(!?) to buy other games that weren’t on my list of “to gets”. Work followed thereafter. I had to work through the move concert… –;;;;
Nothing much happened afterwards except for the visual novels panel. This was a very good and interesting panel. HOWEVER, I SHOULD HAVE TOLD THEM THAT I AM A KAKURE OTAKU (meaning, I’m not an open-out otaku). I didn’t want to be pointed at, and I wanted to hide in the audience in the back… But they pointed at me and talked to me, and they also took the stuff I bought and displayed it up front. To give a comparison, it’s like they got me naked and get me up front. ^^;;; Okay, I’m exaggerating.

Sun: I worked all day. I did sneak out once to go see the Kira (visual Novel) panel. I saw cool Yukito and Misuzu cosplayers there! They get my vote for best cosplay, because I love Air ^^

Spoils of war:
Ayakashibito poster
Sakuramusubi poster
+money from working
+good experience (There are some things money can’t buy)