Anime and… translation…?

My life update.
Nothing much in my real life. Started watching some new animes.
Fate Stay Night being one of them. It had a lot of moe scenes (Ilya hugging Shirou, Sakura bondage, etc…) but overall, not too good –;
EXCEPT episode 14! That episode was awesome. Especially when the music “Emiya” started, it sent chills up my spine from excitement!

Also started watching Utawarerumono, but stopped watching after a few episodes. It wasn’t bad but rather really good, and that’s exactly why I stopped watching. I now want the game, so I’m gonna wait watching on the anime until I get the game and play it.

Also watched upto episode 4 of Higurashi no Nakukoroni.
I played the first chapter of the game already, but they animated it REAL WELL!!
All the important stuffs were in there.
Oh yeah, I’m watching all these animes all of a sudden cause I get REALLY distracted whenever I try to translate the Hscene (it’s a real pain)
On terms of translation, H scene is almost done (not too fast when I’m doing like 1 line per hour…)
but now, I need to rest translation while I go play the rest of Higurashi (that I have ignored playing upto now) since the anime renewed my spirit for the game!!
Chapters 2 through 6… that’s like only a couple all-nighters, right? ^^

EDIT3: Almost done with Higurashi… I want to finish it, but don’t want this time to end…

Any other good animes out there?
(Or just yell at me to keep translating instead of watching anime…)

…… Why does my life update consist of only anime and games… AGAIN?
I swear, I’ll tell everyone I have a girlfriend like chendo on my next blog post!
… I guess I won’t be posting blogs ever again. orz


We have 17 beta testers now and there’s still four days before applications close. I’m a lot stricter this time, so anyone who doesn’t get a reply, no hard feelings.

Of course, if we do need more beta-testers, I’ll ask for some more, and possibly review the ones that didn’t pass the first one.

And I found this as part of the reason why they deleted the mirror moon wikipedia article.

They haven’t actually even finished translating anything yet, never mind whether translating an obscure H-game is notable. –UsaSatsui 12:43, 24 April 2006 (UTC)

I found it absolutely hillarious. Of course, nice to see that Haeleth and Gp32 were defending us, thank you ^_^

Well, it was deleted because it broke WP:V and WP:VAIN, so maybe when we actually release Tsukihime and someone else writes the article, we won’t have our own little article on wikipedia 🙁

chendo – out

Playing Hgame>Translation?

Well, update on my life that no one cares about.

Title says it all, I’ve been slacking translation and was immersed in playing the games I bought in Japan.
But now, I’m pretty much finished with all the games. (Except for Higurashi because I was spoiled…)
Most games were worth the money and I’m quite happy finding some of the greatest games I’ve ever played (Ayakashibito, Flutter of Birds, Hello World, Sharin no Kuni…) Although, I did get some letdowns like Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata, Tomoyo after (yes, you heard me), and hoshizora planet.
So close to 20 games didn’t even last me 4 months…
Why is the talk on my life turning into talk of games? ^^

Now for what everyone cares about: the translation.
“The Gut” is finally fully trans- ……. sorry, that’s just a cruel joke.
Actually things are rolling pretty well. We have a graphic editor now and translation is going… well, ok.
I’m done with all the games and my schedule this quater is looking quite well so I’ll have lots of free time on hand for translation.
I’ll start posting translation progress on the Fate project page for those who wants to keep watch.
And looks like Tsukihime editing is getting closer to completion with Akiha route done as well. Cheer on Ryuusoul, everyone!

#$^@ 7-Eleven

For the past 5 months or so since I moved to Florida, I’ve worked for 7-Eleven, the famous gas station chain know for its Slurppy’s and Go Go Taquitos. When I started working for 7-11, it was a pretty decent job compared to all that wonderful foam factory work I used to do. I enjoyed dealing with customers because most where tourist from out of town, most enjoying a wonderful vacation with their families.

Then shit it the fan at the end of January. Opm and I had a third roommate (whom I will refer to as ‘Bob’), and it was pretty common for him to spend a week or two at a time at his mom’s house. I come home from work and opm informs me that the cops came to the apartment looking for Bob. Opm then calls Bob’s workplace (where opm used to work before he wrecked his Dodge Stratus) and asked the boss what was going on. Bob hadn’t been to work in 3 days, and apparently he was ‘wanted for questioning’ in regards to a pedophilia charge. Well, being sans one roommate, opm and I were in trouble with the rent money. So I moved in with Piner (of SFL Drift fame), and opm moved back to Pittsburgh with to live with his mom. All of the moving was done rather on the whim and extremely quickly. Along with this move, I transferred to another 7-Eleven store.

Now, this store wasn’t in the tourist area’s south of Disney or anything the like, it was in the middle of Kissimmee near St. Cloud, in a working class neighbor hood. My first night working at this new store was complete chaos. I carded so many angry people because I’d never seen them before in my life, and I was completely driven up the wall by how much business this tiny store (it was physically smaller then my last store) got. And I knew the Friday was slower then normal because of the rain that day!

Anyway, I’ve been under this pressure ever since. Every night before work the anxiety of going to work and being down right afraid I would be put in hand cuffs for selling something I shouldn’t to a minor kept building and building more. Last night I outright had an anxiety attack just before I was supposed to go to work. I can’t handle it anymore! I’ve become so anxious over selling alcohol and tobacco that I’ve finally just snapped. I’m sick of kids that won’t produce their ID’s for me simply because they are over the age of 21 and say “I come in here all the time.” None of them seem to understand the law that I need to see their ID until they appear to be over the age of 30! In one situation, I carded a kid, and he proceeded into the men’s restroom, took a dump on the floor, and then smashed a garbage can on top of his own shit (and apparently that is PRETTY COMMON)! One girl I worked with told me that kids would put broken glass and such under her car tires! I didn’t go to work last night and right now I don’t even want to talk to anyone there about it. I can’t do it anymore!

I was never able to fully accomplish what needed to be done in one night, the store is understaffed and they don’t appear to be hiring anyone else to fill the gaps (other then on first shift)! The quality of the job I do has dropped 10 fold from where it was at my previous store… I’m fed up with HAVING to do a sub-standard job and busting my ass to do it.

I’ve had it with this job and working for 7-Eleven!

I told myself that I wouldn’t quit unless I had another job lined up, but my feelings of anxiety have taken over my sense of logic. I choose to no longer work for 7-Eleven because I think that is wiser then eventually going to jail for something that would probably be an honest mistake.

Vote for Sakura!

So it’s been 3 weeks since I came back from Japan.
School’s started and classes are sucking and taking up my time. But I’ve managed to finish 6 of the games I bought in Japan.
Here’s a small review of what I’ve played:

To heart2-Very good game, but it relied too much on the popularity of the previous game. Lots of moe, but that’s about it. (8 out of 10)

Shuumatsu no Sugoshikata- It had great potential setting (world coming to an end) but could not build on it, way too short. (5 out of 10)

Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujyo-Words cannot express this game. If you understand Japanese, this is a game to get. Scenario was amazing.(10 out of 10)

Remember 11-This game surpassed Ever17 in every aspect except one. It was interesting, lots of mysteries, more suspense, and I finished it straight from start to finish. The one aspect it lacked was the solving of the mystery. It leaves the player to figure the mystery out (To say what it’s like, it’s like Ever17 ending right at the “mirror scene.) (9 out of 10)

Kagetsu Tohya-A good fan-disc, but the system is so out of date, it irritated me while playing the game. Akira should have had more appearances too^^ (7 out of 10)

Fate Hollow Ataraxia-Good fan disc as well. Effects are god-like.They leaned more to comedy, and less action. I guess it depends on tastes, but I prefer they didnt do so. Sakura pool scene=nosebleed (8 out of 10)
Speaking of Fate, another voting will take place at the official Type-Moon page. Everyone, vote for Sakura!!! I will do anything to get her #1 ^^

(Progress:Prologue+1st day finished)


Hehe, so as some people know, I was in Japan for the past 2 weeks. It was really fun. The time was spent most with me hanging around town, in the arcades, or shopping. I went to several different places: Akihabara, Tokyo, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, etc.

Shibuya: This place was really crowded, from the moment I got off the train. Most of my time spent at this place was in this one place after I (unfortunately?) found an arcade where they had 3 beatmania IIDX Happy Sky machines.

Ikebukuro: Not too crowded as Shibuya, but saw many “interesting” shops. Out of curiosity, I went to the “Otome” road… well, as they say, curiosity killed the cat. I felt so out of place and wanted to die.

And lastly Akihabara: I spent most of my time here, as it has a lot of things I wanted. I went around looking through shops and arcades. Here, I bought MANY games (as can be seen in the picture-yes, this was all bought on this trip).

Now, although this trip was fun, it did not end on a good note. Imagine having a suitcase/backpack full of these games and you are now carrying it through the airport to go home. Now imagine the worst thing that can happen to you…

I was stopped at security check.

They had to go open ALL my baggage, including all the boxes inside, which could contain weapons or whatever. Yes, they opened ALL the Hgame boxes and went through each and every one of them throughly while I had to sit in front of them. It was a complete hellish torture and my soul has left my body by the time they were done.

Now, I have to recover from the evil torture I received, so I’m gonna escape to playing the games I bought. Expect me not to translate at a high pace until I finish these games ^^

[img_assist|fid=31|thumb=1|alt=Game|caption=Games I bought in Japan on this trip]