Added ‘inversion’ theme, clearing up some questions

Okay, I made an inverted version of the theme, you can change it in ‘my account’ down the side if you are logged in. You can also choose the visibility for some of the blocks at the side of the screen. Made a nice little python script to invert all the values within the CSS, quite useful.

Also, someone asked where the graph was. I haven’t gotten around to remaking it so it’s actually somewhat understandable and accurate, but that will be coming later. For now, I can tell you that it’s been proofed completely, but we are going over the translation again to fix up some issues with dashes and ellipses as dmpk2k works on the menus and Takajun works on the credits.

I have added the blogs system and all staff have blogging access. Feel free to blog, fellas!

Site gone live

The new Mirror Moon website has gone live. As you can see, it’s still a work in progress (have to move graphs over and fix em), but the site should work fine. I will be introducing some useful features on the site like notification of updates (if you wanna be the first to play it in English, etc etc) during the holidays (my holidays don’t start for another 2 weeks at least… remember I live in Australia).

I also might be introducing blogs for staff as we blog about our progress (just not important enough to be actual news ;p) and post newer screenshots.

Please report any bugs, yadda yadda to my email.

Please also note that this theme doesn’t seem to work nicely with Internet Explorer and I’m not fixing it.

Get Firefox

^=== it owns internet explorer.

New layout and backend

Another long-ish time without an update. I’ve been under a pile of assignments and tests recently, so I haven’t got anything done. I’ve been wanting to get rid of the old hack I hacked together of a website, so here it is!