Just like with Tsukihime, no discussion of obtaining the game by any illegal means. I’m not interested in engaging in any philosophical debate over this topic. We’re not hosting torrents of the game here and we don’t want to see our patch hosted along with any illegal copies of the game. Keeping our translation group out of trouble is the best way to ensure future planned releases, such as Melty Blood ReAct and Fate/stay night.
This is not meant to be endorsement of these stores, but Melty Blood can be bought from these locations:
Paletweb’s Melty Blood
Paletweb’s Melty Blood ReAct
Himeyashop’s Melty Blood
Himeyashop’s Melty Blood ReAct
Below will be saved searches on Yahoo! Japan Auctions. Please note that all results are not the games themselves. EvoSpace’s site has pictures of Melty Blood merchandise so you know what’s what. If you have any doubts about what you are buying, ask someone who knows Japanese… I recommend the use of an auction agent such as Shopping Mall Japan or Akibado.
Searches for Melty Blood ReAct: 1 2
As of now, we only have a translation installer released for MB, but ReAct is only a matter of time. Might as well save on shipping.